DIY Home Security vs. Professional Security System Installation
- By : Adam
- Date :

Home security is of utmost importance to all of us. Choosing the right security method can be difficult and you may not know where to start. DIY Home Security Systems mean that you can install the system yourself with no installation fee. You can choose which types of systems you want to install and be as versatile as you want, without incurring extra installation costs. And should you decide to move home, your investment will not go waste as you can take the system with you. Professional home security systems are fitted by professionals without you having to lift a finger. They give you peace of mind that everything is fitted correctly and the job gets done without any hassle for you. However, this luxury does come at a cost and sometimes you can see yourself paying high installation fees.
Let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks of these types of installation:
- No installation fee-: you save money on installation which can actually turn out to be a lot of money.
- Versatile system: you can install the system exactly to your own specification, adding and changing whatever you feel. With an installer, this can mean more cost on labour and installation.
- No appointments needed: You can install the system at your own will, without being tied down with unnecessary appointments. You will not be watching your clock either to ensure that you are not incurring installation costs per hour.
- No professional advice: They can advise you on things which you may not be able to think of.
- Work for you: You will have to do the work. And when there are a lot of complex steps in the process, things can go wrong despite having read all the instructions. It can cost you a lot of time and peace of mind.
- No Guarantee: There is no “guarantee of service” in case you have fitted the system yourself. Be ready to bear the brunt if something doesn’t go as planned.
Professional Home Security Installation
- Professional Expertise: You will have a professional fitting your equipment. This way you will have the peace of mind that everything is fitted correctly and if anything goes wrong: no worries, you’re covered.
- Job gets done for you: You do not have to worry and the job will get done. So it means no handyman work for you and you can enjoy a secure home.
- Promotions: You can look out for promotions, where there may be all inclusive labour and equipment costs. This way you can save a lot of money.
- High Installation Costs: Usually installation costs can be high and if anything takes longer than expected, it can increase them further. Also, there may be travel costs incurred if the installer had to travel a while to get to you.
- Not portable: Bad luck if you decide to move home at any point. However expensive the system maybe, you will be unable to take it along.
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