Guidelines to Become an Efficient Bricklayer and Start your Own Business
- By : Sarah
- Date :
- Tags: bricklayer

Rapid industrialisation and development in the recent times have led to an increased demand for buildings and construction projects. This, in turn, has created a huge opportunity for employment in the field of building constructions. One of the most important professions that play a vital role is that of a bricklayer.
A bricklayer can be defined as a skilled worker in the field of crafts who does the job of laying bricks for the construction of brickwork. Their job is almost similar to that of a mason but there is a subtle difference. Masons require a higher skill and can be specialists as opposed to those involved in bricklaying jobs. However, bricklaying is a respectable job. As for the matter, Winston Churchill had bricklaying as one of his hobbies. Therefore, if you are interested in bricklaying, you might start your own business.
Before you start with this business, you must follow certain steps that will help you by giving a lead.
- Decision and planning– Firstly you need to decide if you truly want to take this up. Once you are sure you need to start planning about how you want to get the business set up. Take your time for the planning as this is the foundation of your business.
- Getting yourself qualified- Once you have decided and checked the feasibility of your plan, the next step would be to get the necessary qualifications. To be an efficient bricklayer you need to take up a course on bricklaying. Such courses are not hard to find. Other than the educational aspect, you also need some first-hand training to gather experience.
- Gather sufficient fund- For starting a business you need a decent amount of money. You can try for loans that are available and go with the best deal you get. The amount at first may seem to be a lot but if you can establish it and become successful, you will earn much more than that.
- Choose a perfect location- You need to plan and choose a suitable location for your business. For this, you need to study the market and determine where exactly the demand is high. Also, bear in mind that you will face tough competition from the local bricklayers in that locality.
- Get all the registrations done- If you wish to make it small, then you can get registered as a sole trader. It is hassle free but is not secure. If you are planning to go large you can get registered as a limited company and enjoy all the protection. However, you need to inform HMRC and apply for tax and license.
- Keep the equipment ready- A business should have all the necessary machines and equipment required to conduct work. You will also need to arrange for transport.
- Insurance is essential- This job is fraught with risks and accidents are not unheard of. Therefore, you must apply for insurance so that the loss caused by any mishap does not cause a halt to your business.
The job of a bricklayer is a highly profitable job and the biggest advantage is that you can easily start up a business. However, there are some prerequisites you must fulfil and steps you should follow before you start off with the business. If you are able to work hard and efficiently, success will ensue.
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