List of Safety Precautions on Construction Sites
- By : Adam
- Date :

Managing Workforce
No other workplace is probably as hazardous as a construction site. Builders may come crushing down from heights or get buried after trench collapse or cave-in. They can easily get hit by moving equipment and vehicles or something overhead can fall on them. Then there is dust, smoke and dangerous chemicals they are exposed to adding to their misery. Then what do you think a builder must do to keep these hazards away?
No Card, Rules and Legislation can keep you safe and healthy at sites unless you take it upon yourself. To know what are the major safety precautions on construction sites you must take, read on.
Safety from Falls
- Fall is the single greatest safety threat at sites and most of the falls are caused by faulty scaffoldings and ladders.
- Check ladders and scaffoldings thoroughly before working on them. In case the scaffolding is large and complex, get it inspected by a professional first. Make sure both are robust and steady and not loose, broken or wobbly.
- Don’t use the ladder if upper end is not at least a meter above the landing. Small as it may seem, it will have a big impact on your safety.
Safety from heavy and dangers equipment
- Wear all protective gears (clothes, boots, gloves and everything else that is required). Keep the area clear of unwanted obstructions and people. Check for all kinds of wear and tear, get it corrected if there is one. Follow OPERATION MANUAL in letter and spirit.
- Lock the gates properly before operating mobile equipment like hoist and crane. Keep the people well off the swing radius of these machines. Never ever exceed the load limit.
- Don’t be under scaffolding, suspended load, or areas where work is in process; unless you really need to. Getting crushed under weight is one of the primary safety hazard at construction site. Beware!!
General Safety Tips on Construction Site
- “First Aid Kit” and “Fire Extinguisher” must be available and easily accessible to all. It’s vital all workers know how to use Fire Extinguisher and the escape route in case a fire occurs.
- Wear all recommended gears – dress, helmet, glasses, mask, belt, boots and such – at all times. Depending on your role at site, what you need to wear may vary. Do put on Fall Harnesses should you work on height, Ear Plugs for noisy areas and Protective Gloves for dealing with electricity and toxic chemicals. Get your manager to replace gears if they are unfit or faulty. It’s important!
- Report to the Manager if it isn’t. Avoid under-lit areas until they become properly visible.
- Refrain from playing with tools especially if they are not yours. Life is precious, don’t play with it!
- Follow instructions during emergency, always! Alert your Manager and co-workers no sooner than you spot any unsafe conditions like an uncovered opening, fire near inflammable materials etc.
- Above all else, keep your mind, eyes and ears open at all times.