Tradesman Overview: Welder
- By : Edward
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- Tags: find best welders in UK

Welder is a specialist, who creates metal structures of different complexity. In their work, they use special equipment and accessories. The profession is promising and excellent from a financial point of view, but this is subject to professional knowledge of all the intricacies of the case.
Who is a welder and what does he do?
Welders are typical working class, most often they work in industrial production, although they are often in demand in other industries, in particular in the service sector. Their specialization joining metal blanks, parts, structures and other elements. The quality of the welded joint directly depends on the skill level of the specialist, the consumables used and the capabilities of the equipment.
The profession of a welder includes several narrower specializations: a gas welder, an operator of automatic installations, a specialist in manual arc welding and semiautomatic devices.
In the professional field, a welder cannot do without special equipment – electric arc welding or a gas torch. In the first case, the installation works from the electrical network, and its functionality is based on an electric arc, the temperature of which can reach 5000 degrees Celsius. This is higher than the melting point of any metal.
A gas burner involves the controlled combustion of a mixture of combustible gas and oxygen. This type of equipment is in demand where the formation of sparks is undesirable during welding. When welding metals, specialists need to follow the safety rules specially developed for this type of work. Eyes and face must be protected by a tinted glass welder’s mask to block harmful UV radiation. In addition, a protective suit, special footwear and a safety hat are to be worn.
What a welder should know:
First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there are different types of welding, which predetermine the specialization of workers. It is customary to distinguish between the following types of specialists:
- working with press welding machines;
- operators of diffusion welding installations;
- termite cooking specialists;
- electric and gas welders;
- gas welders;
- welders of electro-beam welding installations.
Welder specialists must have knowledge:
- electrotechnical processes, metal melting technologies;
- properties of gases that are used in work to catalyze oxidative processes;
- the device and the principle of operation of the installations and auxiliary equipment used in practice;
- requirements of safety regulations and labor protection;
- knowledge from the field of physics and chemistry.
Among the personal qualities that a welder must possess, it is necessary to highlight good eyesight and endurance. Very often welders have to stay in one position doing a certain amount of work. Flexibility, excellent coordination of movements of the whole body are required. As well as qualities that are universal and useful to any specialist – hard work, patience and perseverance.