Ways to Fix a Burst Pipe
- By : Edward
- Date :
- Tags: certified plumbers

A burst pipe is a problem encountered every now and then in every household. Starting from a small leak, it can turn into a disaster very soon draining the tank reserve of water. You will soon find yourself out of water for the whole day. While you can apply quick strategies to fix the problem temporarily, it is best to call upon certified plumbers to solve the situation permanently. Let us look at some of the ways you can deal with this problem efficiently:
Pipe Lagging
Burst pipes can be avoided with the correct lagging applied to them. If correct lagging is applied to them, burst pipes can be avoided. The recommended thicknesses of pipe insulation should be, at least:
- 15mm pipe: 25mm
- 22-28 mm pipe: 19mm
- 35mm and over pipe: 9mm
Wrap it up:
Maybe not very effective in the long run but it does help to hinder the rate of water flow. Take a thick cloth, wrap it around the burst portion and tie it as tightly as possible. The method is effective in case of mild or moderate pipe leaks. However, if the breach is huge it is not so effective. A piece of rubber works better.
Increase the temperature
Burst pipes are common in winter because of low temperature. It freezes the water inside the pipe which then expands to ultimately burst. If your pipes are in the basement, set up a fan to blow heat to the pipes. This will prevent the water from freezing and keeps the water flowing. A heating system is a basement is a perfect solution but most people do not have a heating system in the basement. You can try out techniques to build insulating walls during your house remodeling.
Repair it:
First of all, turn off the water supply. Then you have to find the nail hole. It may not be exactly where water is visible. Water pressure may result in water spraying away from the original split. Proprietary slip on couplers can be brought from plumber merchants for small holes. They are portions of copper pipes which are threaded at either end. You have to cut the section of the pipe containing the split in such a way that the pipe does not get distorted due to the force. If a hacksaw is used for this purpose, it is crucial to file the ends of the pipe free of burrs. The olives slide into the slip on coupling and are compressed by tightening the nuts. This gives a seal as in any other compression fitting.
Seek professional help
Most of us are not trained to fix a broken pipe. We all need to take the help of the professional plumbers. So call up your local plumber. Make sure they are certified, professional, prompt and located near you. A far off plumbing service will take a substantial amount of time to reach your place. A quick search of “Certified plumbers near me” will give you tons of options to choose from. Do a bit of research and choose the best of them. It is not that hard.
As always remedy is better than cure. So while installing the plumbing take generous help of certified local plumbers in London and choose the finest quality products only. An investment made now will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.
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